Viktor Frankl Project
Cultivating a global community around a shared love for Viktor Frankl, Logotherapy, and the quest for meaning in our everyday life. Featuring conversations with ordinary individuals who have discovered an extraordinary convergence of Frankl's meaning-centered-approached with their own search for meaning amidst a life of uncertainty, suffering and confusion.
Viktor Frankl Project
Moments of Alienation & Reconciliation in Viktor Frankl's Life
Christopher Domig
Season 1
Episode 3
Christopher Domig speaks to Viktor Frankl's grandson Alex Vesely about pivotal moments of alienation and reconciliation in Viktor Frankl's life, how Frankl's Logotherapy differs distinctly from Freud's Psychoanalysis and Adler's Individual Psychology, how Frankl continues to pay attention to beauty and nature amidst life's most harrowing moments, and his desire to be reconciled to places and people dear to him.